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​Preserve the past, for the future. Our heritage is held in trust for future generations, and we can preserve it despite a wide range of threats. Insensitive development, neglect, climate change or even deliberate destruction – these are all part of our modern world. Thanks to drones technology and our innovative response, we can record our ancient world, keeping it alive for generations to come.


Digital preservation aims to preserve priceless and help researchers. Advanced software techniques allow us to digitally preserve archaeological findings in a 3D model with such high resolution to be used in education and further research.


Non-invasive archaeology techniques use drones technology to reveal the past, preserving the archaeological site sensitively. The disruption caused by human intervention is minimised, while the heritage is further preserved through 3D digitisation.


An aerial perspective produces immediate visual information that is not discernible from the ground. Even the most well-trained eye of a specialist surveyor can miss outstanding features if the archaeology site is only surveyed at ground level.



Advanced software techniques allow us to digitally preserve archaeological findings in a 3D model with such high resolution that they can be used in education and further research.

Our drones are equipped with the latest airborne sensors and cameras that record high-quality data and imagery for area assessment, exploration, and mapping.

The combination of the latest drone technology, advanced software and our technical expertise allows us to reconstruct full areas of heritage or archaeological sites in 3D CAD models for future preservation and research purposes .

This channel is coming soon!
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